
We rely on volunteers to help every performance run smoothly, and that includes volunteers in the front house. There are several positions available for Front of House volunteers.

Ushers Needed For Mel Brooks' Young Frankenstein

Ushers Needed For Frozen, Jr

What You Need To Know About DMTC Front Of House Volunteering

Dress Code

The attire for all Front of the House volunteers is a conservative business casual in combinations of black and white. This should NOT include jeans, t-shirts, shorts/short skirts, tennis shoes or flip flops. Shoes and other accessories (ties, belts, scarves, etc.) must also be black or white. The dress code is mandatory. Any Front of House volunteer not following the dress code may be asked to change or volunteer at another time.


Ushers report to the House Manager one hour before the show's start time and will be assigned duties (examples include selling concessions, seating patrons, scanning tickets, folding programs, checking restrooms for cleanliness, picking up trash in the theater after the show). The Front of the House Procedures Manual is available in the concessions kitchen for review of duties. Ushers receive an Usher seat ticket to see the show for free on the day of ushering service. Adults may sign up for ANY of the eight slots. Ushers 13 to 17 years old must sign up for one of the "13+" slots. No one under the age of 13 may be an usher.

Concessions Cashiers

Two Ushers for each show will be assigned as Concessions Cashiers and since these positions are responsible for handling concessions funds, these positions must be filled by individuals 18 years of age or older. The House Manager will count the cash after intermission.