Character Descriptions

The Drowsy Chaperone

Sunday, November 3, 2019 at 7:30pm
Monday, November 4, 2019 at 7:30pm

Callbacks: Tuesday, November 5, 2019 at 7:30pm

Directed by Kyle Jackson
Choreographed by Kyle Jackson
Musical direction by Kyle Jackson & Maya Rogalski

Opens Friday, January 3, 2020

Plot Synopsis

The Drowsy Chaperone is a lavish 1920s musical with vaudeville gags and Charlestons galore!  Robert Martin is set to marry Janet van de Graaf, a young Broadway starlet giving up performing.  But between Janet's inebriated Chaperone, the oblivious hostess Mrs. Tottendale, the egomaniacal lothario Adolpho, and Janet's scheming producer, Feldzieg, there are more than enough hijinks to go around!  Of course, that's not the musical we're putting on.  Instead, prepare for The Drowsy Chaperone, which tells of the eccentric and melancholy Man In Chair, who puts on a record of his favorite musical, The Drowsy Chaperone, and imagines the show springing to life in his apartment.  Through his eyes, we learn why some of the gags performed have been distorted by historical context, how some of the characters we're seeing are products of questionable acting talent, and what the truth is behind the darkness that haunts the Man in Chair.

All Roles Open

Role Description
Man in Chair

The present-day narrator.  A deeply introspective agoraphobe with an encyclopedic knowledge of stage musicals, MIC offers factoids and opinions on both his own life and the musical we're watching.  He is defined by his own contradictions, ranging from soft-spoken to passionate and from turmoil to detachment.  Seeking strong character actor capable of understatement; minimal singing.

Janet van de Graaf

The vivacious Broadway ingénue and starlet about to be married.  Despite her affection for Robert, her innocent prank on her fiancé turns into the ultimate Janet van de gaffe (ha) and gives her much hesitation about the commitment she's about to make.  Seeking a triple threat with acrobatic skills.

Robert Martin

The man about to marry Janet.  Robert, who is fictitiously portrayed by a cheesy actor only capable of Generic Male Lead, can never quite smooth things over with his bride-to-be.  He always exhibits the courage of a lion and the emotional subtlety of a sledgehammer.  Seeking an actor with a strong voice, plus tap dance skills; roller skating experience a plus.

The Drowsy Chaperone

Janet's maid of honor.  The Chaperone is a raging alcoholic who can barely string together coherent advice for the bride, but manages to seduce Adolpho and win the heart of the Man in Chair with her unhelpful but rousing anthems.  Eternally melodramatic, she commands the stage whether or not the scene was originally about her.  Seeking a diva with a strong belt.


A self-professed lothario who appears to have wandered into the wedding accidentally.  He agrees to seduce Janet at Feldzieg's request, but is distracted by the Drowsy Chaperone's wiles.  Adolpho is the sort of person to invent his own theme song.  Seeking a strong comic actor with some improvisation skills; inconsistent accent of nebulous nationality a plus.


Robert's best man.  The frenetic and anxious George is charge of organizing wedding logistics, and like all great organizers, has saved it all to the last minute.  Seeking a high tenor with tap dance skills.

Mrs. Tottendale

The elderly hostess of the wedding.  Mrs. Tottendale is a well-meaning and eternally cordial friend but oblivious to the point of senility.  She is seldom seen without her Underling.  Character voice a plus.

Underling (Butler)

Mrs. Tottendale's dry-humored butler.  Underling is a bitter soul thoroughly unimpressed by everything but begrudgingly caters to the whims of the dumbest wedding party he's ever attended.  He probably thinks you're overrated. Seeking an actor to receive physical onstage abuse, including expectoration; British accent a plus.


The ditzy chorus girl who thinks she can replace Janet in Feldzieg's production, Kitty's ambition and aggression have nothing on her shrillness.  Seeking an actor with character voice and dance skills.

Mr. Feldzieg

Janet's stage producer.  Feldzieg, always gruff, sarcastic, and insensitive, schemes to stop the wedding so his star won't leave the stage, even dealing with the Gangsters and Adolpho.  Minimal singing.

Gangster 1 & Gangster 2

Two mafiosos who agree to help Feldzieg stop the wedding and disguise themselves as pastry chefs.  They are not nearly as intimidating as they think they are.  With great gangsters come great puns.  Seeking comic actors with some improvisation and dance skills


A pilot who is little more than a deus ex machina.  Trix performs the wedding ceremony and is a bold, sassy figure.  Seeking a strong belter, preferably a woman of color.


( Preferred age 16+) approx15 ensemble members who can sing and move to portray wedding guests, reporters, and monkeys.