Sister Act
Cast List

Thank you to all those who auditioned.

Read through Sunday March 16, 2025 at 7:30pm. Please have $5 for your script and music; and a pencil. We will be reading the performers contract.

Role Performer
Deloris Van Cartier Marie Campbell
Mother Superior Monica Parisi
Sister Mary Robert Taylor Quist
Sister Mary Patrick Marie Nearing
Sister Mary Lazarus Lura Longmire
Sister Mary Martin-of-Tours Alisa Lee
Sister Mary Theresa Julie Allen
Monsignor O'Hara Joel Porter
Eddie Souther Raymond Shelley
Curtis David "Reyn" Knoll
TJ Tomas Eredia
Joey Liam Yao
Pablo Omar E. Huerta
Ernie Steve Clossick
Nuns Ensemble Zaibeth Carlo, Honey Creer, Adinah Erba, Alexa Irvin, Anne Ryle, Molly Ryle, Laura M. Smith, Jean Thompson, Dannette Vassar, Elizabeth Wood
Ensemble Rachelle Hardy, Yuliana Vasllenko, Alexis Velasquez